1.) My First Definition: Human Blub Vase
This semester began with me blending the elements of a "blub" with a human figure to create a unique vase form. Using Grasshopper, I created the initial half part of this object, which was then baked and moved to Rhino to achieve its final form.
Grasshopper definition:
Renders of the model:
2.) Parametric Structure and Animation: The Cursed Chair
I got a bit weird and experimental with my second project and decided to create an ascending cursed chair. I started by modeling the chair in Rhino and then completed the rest of the work, including animation, in Grasshopper.
Grasshopper Definition:
Animated gif:
3.) Stacked Slices Model: Puzzle of a Puzzle
Grasshopper definition of one of the initial pieces:
Physical model (attempt 1):
The physical model:
Animation of the digital model: (The moving piece was picked and simplified for the final version)
Physical model (attempt 2):
4.) Algorithmic Surface Model for SLA Printing: Puzzles Unite
Initially, I conceptualized a puzzle tornado, symbolizing how puzzles unite to form a swirling, cohesive whole. However, upon considering the printing of the models, I decided to change my concept to create a unique small object that could be potentially also be used as a vase/pencil holder. This object symbolizes the small printed structures of itself and their unity in forming a complete, singular form.
Grasshopper definition:
Render and animated gif of my 1st model:
Render of my MUCH improved model (I also scaled the model down to fit within A 100x100x100 mm bounding box) :
5.) CNC Machined Mold Positive/ Negative: 1/10th of a vase!
I initially created this object using Grasshopper, but I had to recreate it manually in Rhino with Bryan as its initial form was not suitable for the CNC machine to cut.
Render of the Model: