Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Stacked Slices Model 2,3 + FINISHED WORK



I am DONE! and very happy with what I've made! :))
I am going to start this update by giving a shout out to Becca for being the best person ever and help me out with simplifying my work in Rhino. I was getting very lost with grasshopper for some reason and they saved me by pointing me towards the right direction.
I used cardboard for this assignment and it turned out pretty neat!

I then painted the pieces that I have already glued together with acrylic paint (I know, I should have painted them BEFORE gluing them together. I know now). That part definitely sucked a lot. I also made another mistake of painting the blue piece like 4 times. I had to keep redoing it because it just looked weird after drying. But yeah all those extra layers made that piece kind of soggy but that's cool. I'm hoping maybe science or something make the blue piece hard again overnight.

Old Post:

I decided to redo this whole thing again and start over. I will most likely pick the puzzle idea to laser cut because I like that it visually symbolizes its own concept of being a puzzle. 

I am planning on baking this in Rhino and by using boolean difference, make all four pieces to stick together properly.

This is my definition in Grasshopper:

there is four groups for the four pieces. I did this so I can change the shape of the pieces individually.

Struggles/confusion: there is these weird pieces in my shapes that look kinda sus and I am not sure if they should be there or not?! 

example: (it's the thin/paper looking layers underneath the thicker layers)

now I am going to introduce my other experiment (that I ended up not liking):

This was supposed to be a pencil holder in the shape of a stairwell.

I found this idea kind of bland (especially the base) and just overall not exciting. 

Grasshopper definition:

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