Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Stacked Slices Model 2,3 + FINISHED WORK



I am DONE! and very happy with what I've made! :))
I am going to start this update by giving a shout out to Becca for being the best person ever and help me out with simplifying my work in Rhino. I was getting very lost with grasshopper for some reason and they saved me by pointing me towards the right direction.
I used cardboard for this assignment and it turned out pretty neat!

I then painted the pieces that I have already glued together with acrylic paint (I know, I should have painted them BEFORE gluing them together. I know now). That part definitely sucked a lot. I also made another mistake of painting the blue piece like 4 times. I had to keep redoing it because it just looked weird after drying. But yeah all those extra layers made that piece kind of soggy but that's cool. I'm hoping maybe science or something make the blue piece hard again overnight.

Old Post:

I decided to redo this whole thing again and start over. I will most likely pick the puzzle idea to laser cut because I like that it visually symbolizes its own concept of being a puzzle. 

I am planning on baking this in Rhino and by using boolean difference, make all four pieces to stick together properly.

This is my definition in Grasshopper:

there is four groups for the four pieces. I did this so I can change the shape of the pieces individually.

Struggles/confusion: there is these weird pieces in my shapes that look kinda sus and I am not sure if they should be there or not?! 

example: (it's the thin/paper looking layers underneath the thicker layers)

now I am going to introduce my other experiment (that I ended up not liking):

This was supposed to be a pencil holder in the shape of a stairwell.

I found this idea kind of bland (especially the base) and just overall not exciting. 

Grasshopper definition:


For this week's assignment, I made this puzzle tornado . ( I also did this assignment before redoing my stacked models, the idea behind this influenced the other post as well)
I used this puzzle shape as my geometry:

I then created a variety of different shapes in Rhino and morphed the puzzle onto them to see which one gives me a more interesting result

My Grasshopper definition: 

I chose to change up the perspective a bit before animating the final results in order to make the animation more interesting.

Final Result:

Other things that I tried during this process:

also tried to assign the puzzles to geometry in this form :

I was curious to see what happens, and this happened (lol) :

I liked how the top and bottom of the shape looked but I was not able to see the puzzles anymore 
Therefore, I decided to try this as well:

This was OK but I did not like it that much either. This is where I decided to stop experimenting and just working with one singular geometry rather than multiple.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024



a bit simpler :

For this week, I decided to make a gummy bear model in Rhino first. I ended up watching a couple of videos to refresh my memory. I watched 1 and 2  on YouTube.


Gummy bear backs:

I like #2 and #3 the best myself since the other two got a bit distorted. I found this assignment a lot easier than the previous one! Also I feel more confident using the remap tool. 

here is a dissected picture to wrap this up:

Now most of my challenges come from my first plan, where I wanted to make a hand. I found it very difficult to do in Rhino. I did not want to make a flat hand and wanted some movements in the fingers, for this reason, I really struggled. Also making each finger one by one was not fun. I found some tutorials on YouTube but they were old and I just could not focus on that idea anymore so I changed my plan. Maybe I can make a hand later using grasshopper when I am more skilled hehe.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024




For this week, I decided to make this cursed animation.

I tried different methods that we reviewed in class and decided to play it safe with this one. I mainly struggled with figuring out how remap numbers work, I don't feel confident in my grasshopper skills yet.

I made a chair in Rhino at first and went with the brep option in grasshopper since I only know how to make basic shapes in grasshopper (for now!) 

Here is some pictures of my chair: 

and here is what I used for grasshopper:

and some more footage of me trying other things out:

This almost killed my laptop though, my laptop was making painful sounds the more complex the slides got. I could not remember how convert to mesh worked for the life of me. 

It was fun to plan how I wanted the animation to look like. I decided to get a bit goofy with the perspective and POV and make it look a bit vintage like.

Next time I will definitely do my homework ( or at least parts of it) right after class to help myself remember things better! 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

My First Definition


For this assignment, I used both grasshopper and rhino. I have used grasshopper in the past, but besides remembering that things connect to each other, I absolutely forgot everything else and how they work. Ouchies 😞

Anyways, the tutorials made by David Rutten were easy to follow. Here is some screenshots of me following the tutorials:

 My plan at first was to use the initial shape then multiply and reuse the pieces in order to form a basic flower. I ended up not liking it enough so I made this shape instead:

the most challenging part of this assignment was dealing with this error: 

I was very confused because no matter what I did it stayed the same, so I just ended up redoing everything and it went away. So the reasoning behind it will stay a mystery to me for now 😐 
For my final object. I decided to create a vase that has a bit of a hourglass human form to it. 
I created this using both grasshopper and rhino, after baking the object in grasshopper, I moved on to rhino to assign materials to the vase.

as you can tell, My favorite part will forever be assigning materials to objects 😏